Cutting the line
I just deactivated my Facebook account. Just now. Not more than five minutes ago.
I've been leading up to this day for a few weeks now, even if I only announced my intentions publicly last week. More and more I've come to realize how freeing it will be to have only my blog and an email account for a year. Some have bet that I won't make it a couple of months, but they are missing the true intention of my decision to cut the line connecting me virtually to all the people in my life. It will be a challenge at first, I'm sure, after spending the last eight years plugged in to various outlets for social media. Almost since their inception, I've been a part of Facebook and Twitter and Instagram. It almost feels like a weight lifted to be free of them. Or, at least, at the moment it feels that way.
It will be strange to just have my email address and this blog as a way to connect with people online for the next year. And it's highly likely that very few people will actually read this since I won't be whoring it out on Facebook and Twitter. And I'm surprisingly alright with that. It's here for those who want it. But mostly, it's here for me.
As I've journaled over the last few weeks, I have realized more than ever the importance of what I'm doing. I want to live intentionally with the people around me. I don't want to live in a cyber world of digital relationships. I want to spend time having real conversations with people and not just chatting online. I want to have friends over for tea or wine and talk about life. Dream out loud about all the things we want to accomplish. Actually be the change I want to see in the world.
I want to spend this year learning how to be the best version of me I can possibly be. I'll listen to a lot of good music and read a lot of good books. I'll spend time writing in my journal every day, writing and expressing and digging deeper into who I want and need to be. If I'm being truly honest, I don't expect any really grandiose revelations (even if I wish for them), but it is maybe the smaller revelations that shape who we are.
And maybe along the journey this year, I'll figure some things out. Maybe. But I know I'll learn a lot about myself. And I haven't let that happen in far too long.
So I'm wishing everyone out there a very happy and prosperous new year. I hope that 2014 is a year of successes, challenges, and dreams for everyone. And I hope you all will enjoy being on this journey of discovery with me as I try out being unplugged. Many blessings.
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