Giving up too much for Lent

I wrote a blog this morning responding to the tragedy in Japan and the entire Pacific Rim. It was poorly written and emotional. I am not saying that is bad. Tragedy occurring during Lent has become a bit of a hot-button issue for me. So while I affirm my frustrations and the difficulty of understanding why tragedies seem to go hand-in-hand with this particular liturgical season in my life, I don’t really feel like ranting against God or bemoaning my state of existence does anyone any good.
And so I deleted it. Instead, today let us take moments to lift prayer to whomever we pray for the loss felt around our world today and for the recovery of those who have lost everything.

creator god
who hears our frustrations, feels our pain,
understands our worries, knows our fears
please hold our hands in yours
as we sit and stand and crouch and fall
in disbelief.

god, in your mercy, hear our prayers

find us in the deep places
of our compounding despair
where we cannot help but focus
on the darkness and pain
facing our sisters and brothers

god, in your mercy, hear our prayers

let your healing spirit
hover over the waters once more
and give hope in hopelessness
to hurting creationkind

god, in your mercy, hear our prayers

in your goodness
give us the strength to share with
those who have none left

god, in your mercy, hear our prayers

show us how to minister
through our shock and disbelief

god, in your mercy, hear our prayers



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