We all need those friends

I have spent the last ten days traveling. I've seen Berkeley, CA. I've spent time in Seattle, WA. I have become well acquainted with the Salt Lake City airport on 3 separate occasions. All this time I have had the opportunity to spend time with some amazing people in my life. This is spring break, a fantastic invention of the academic world for undergraduate students. This is the first of my four years in college that I have actually taken my spring break instead of working. It has been a much-needed respite from my undeniably hectic weekly schedule.
Over the last week, I had the opportunity to visit with my sister and brother-in-law as well as my cousin Brian. As I live in Tennessee and they live on the west coast, it is rare for me to get to see them often. My time spent with all of them was wonderful, and it made for a perfect break.
But the reason I'm writing here, is to think more intentionally about how relationships and spiritual peace can go hand-in-hand. While in Seattle, I met up with one of my best friends from high school. Kenneth and I were inseparable junior year, and when he moved away the following summer, I was devastated. Though we've maintained contact off and on over the last half-decade, Saturday night was the first time I had seen him in five years. It is staggering how a three hour dinner can give one's soul a recharge more than a week of relaxation.
I believe very firmly that each of us has relationships that have been placed in our lives for a reason. We have connections to these people that allow us to be ourselves around them no matter how much time passes in between our meetings. I am reminded of the sermon brought by our pastoral intern at my church two weeks ago that discussed the story of Jesus making breakfast for the disciples on the beachfront. I think that we can look to the scriptural stories of Jesus for so many things, not only ethical and moral guidance. In this story we see Jesus reconnecting with his friends. It is a beautiful moment where they are again reunited and share in community together.
And so it was last night when I was able to stand in the presence of a friend who, in many ways, helped shape who I am today. We all need those moments, those times when we can find ourselves in company with those who know us best, who love us for who we are. I know for me, those relationships help me encounter the Holy because they help me encounter myself, as I truly was created. I don't have to be any particular way except for the way I am deep inside. Those friends are a blessing. We ALL need those friends.
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