Toward a public theology

So here it is, my new blog. I've created this space to provide a location for me to seriously blog about serious things. A little more intentional than stream-of-consciousness...So we'll see how this plays out. I find myself whining about how no one takes my other, personal blog seriously. However, upon reading many of the entries, I can understand why that is. As fun as stream-of-consciousness writing is, it is hard to be taken too seriously when any legitimate thoughts one may have are jumbled amongst painfully hysterical YouTube clips.

That's why I have created this place. I wanted to have somewhere I could post my own thoughts, and occasionally the thoughts of others, in relation to an increasingly broad range of theological topics.

The title of this blog is "An Old Emergence." I chose this title and web address to highlight a few things about me and about what I will be saying here. I have a new appreciation for the connection of church history with contemporary Christian culture. There is a distinct beauty in the liturgy of the church that has greatly been lost due to our dependence on keeping our attentions hooked. We've given up hymns for choruses. We've given up labyrinths for ice-breakers. We've essentially given up tradition for fad.

Hear me when I say that I am not totally averse to these things. I am not belligerent. In fact, one of the topics I plan on spending a great deal of time on is generosity. One of my dearest mentors, Dr. Andy Watts, reminds us on a continual basis that generosity is essential to genuine theological discourse. We do not all believe the same way, and we may vehemently disagree. Yet, we all come from different contexts. This blog is about opinion. My opinion. And I will not be apologetic about that.

So, again, welcome to this journey. I have already moved a few blogs over from my personal blog that seem to fit in well with what I want to do here. They've been post-dated so that, hopefully, we may see a trend over time in my theological growth. And, of course, a maturing in my faith.


  1. I'm excited about this Dan! I'll read em when you post em!


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