No, we don't pray to Mary

Today is the Solemnity of the Annunciation, the historic observance of the coming of Gabriel to Mary to announce her pregnancy. It is observed exactly nine months to the day prior to Christmas. It is somewhat shameful to admit this, but I grew up in a tradition that placed little value on Mary other than the fact that she birthed Jesus (and, of course, her virginity inspired many lessons about how true love waits). In fact, throughout my protestant upbringing, our religious leaders often led us to believe that Catholics “prayed to Mary” just like they did to Jesus. And we were told how utterly wrong this was. The word “idolatry” was even thrown around for effect. In the intervening years, I have come to hold a much greater appreciation for the person of Mary than my childhood pastors would prefer. Actually, the more I think of it, my burgeoning understanding of Mary helped inform my growing feminism. How could the very mother of Christ (one of few women actually named in th...